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Student Name Changes
As detailed in the Cambridge School Committee’s Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity
Policy a student has the right to choose a name and pronoun appropriate to the student's gender
identity, regardless of the student's assigned birth sex and name that appears on the student's birth
certificate. Schools should accurately record and use the student's chosen name and pronouns that are
consistent with the student's gender identity. Court orders are not required to update student records
to reflect changes in a student's name and gender markers. Schools will work with a student and the
parents/guardians/caregivers of the student if they are involved in the process, or in the case of a
younger student with the student and the student's parents/guardians/caregivers, to develop a plan for
communicating any name and pronoun change within the school. The process to initiate a name and
pronoun change is as follows:
The student and/or their parent/guardian/caregiver should email, call, or go to the school clerk and ask
for a name change form. Pre-kindergarten to grade 8 students will need their parent/guardian/caregiver
to be part of the requesting process. High school students can request a name change themselves
without parent/guardian/caregiver permission.
The school clerk should change the student's name in Aspen.
High school students and students in grades 6 through 8 may also request that their preferred name be
used during the school day and when using online educational technology tools. Request for utilization
of a preferred name will only result in an update of the student record to also include the preferred
name. Parents/guardians/caregivers may opt out of having their student in grades 6 through 8 request
the use of a preferred name by completing an annual opt-out form. High school students can request
the use of a preferred name themselves without parent/guardian/caregiver permission. The school
clerk should include the student’s preferred name in ASPEN for a high school student when request and
for students in grades 6 through 8 when the parent/guardian/caregiver has completed an opt out form.
Policy references: ACA-1
Legal References: Chapter 199 of the Acts of 2011
M.G.L.c. 76, §5
603 CMR 26.00
Guidance for Massachusetts Public Schools Creating a Safe and Supportive
School Environment