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Voicemail Guide for Classroom and Office Phones
Things you need to know about the new voicemail system:
You will need to re‐record your personal greetings
Your 1st-time password is: 125795#
Messages that reside in your old voicemail box will not transfer to your new mailbox. You may continue to access the old system to listen to old messages, however, all new voicemail messages will be in your new voice mailbox.
Getting Started
To access your mailbox Dial the voicemail system From inside CPSD: 5000
From outside CPSD dial: (857)-235-5000
If you are calling from your own phone, Office-Linx will say your mailbox number and ask for your password. From the outside, you will be asked for your mailbox number (mailbox number = extension number) and then your password. Your 1st-time password is 125795#
The Tutorial
The first time you call into your mailbox, you will be greeted with a tutorial. This will walk you, step-by-step, through setting up a password, recording your greetings, and recording your name.
To Change your Personal Password
1. Press (4) for user options
2. Press (3) to change your passwords
3. Enter a 6 – 15‐digit password, then #
4. Re‐enter the password to confirm.
The new password is now active
Note: Do not use 0 as the leading digit for your password. Passwords cannot have consecutive numbers such as 123456, cannot have repeating numbers like 111111, and cannot be your mailbox number. If you forget your password, please send an email to Helpdesk@cambridgema.gov, or call 4140.
To change your Personal Greeting
Press (4) for user options
Press (1) to record a greeting
You will hear the following prompts:
Press (1) to change your Primary Greeting
Press (2) to change your Extended Absence Greeting
Press (4) to enable the Extended Absence Greeting
Press (5) to return to standard In-Office greeting
Press (6) to record your name
Press (*) to return to the User Options menu
After you make a choice of the type of greeting you want to record, Office-Linx will offer the following options:
Press 1 to review the current greeting
Press 2 to record a new greeting
Press any other key to return to the greeting menu and leave your greeting as is
Pressing 4 for Extended Absence Greeting allows you two additional options.
You can block callers from leaving messages after hearing your greeting
You can force callers to listen to your entire greeting, or allow them to interrupt and leave a message by pressing #.
To Listen to Messages
When you first log in you will hear the number of read and unread messages in your mailbox.
Press (2) to listen to messages
You will hear the following prompts:
Press (1) to listen to unread (new) messages
Press (2) to listen to read (saved) messages