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Parentsquare User Account Listed Personal Phone Number
User Account Listed Personal Phone Number
Please inform any staff who may be requesting the removal of their personal phone number listed in their Parentsquare account, as follow
Purpose: The personal phone number is listed in Parentsquare to allow for the District to disseminate notices to staff in the event of any emergency or critical events occurring in the school district
Visibility: The personal phone number is NOT visible to any Students, Parents, Teachers nor any District Staff.
It is visible only to selected district administrators of the system.
Changes: Please inform any staff who may be requesting a change of their personal phone number listed in their Parentsquare account;
School Staff need to contact their school principal to make any change to their account's listed phone number
District Staff need to contact their HR representative to make the change to the Peoplesoft record. Once Peoplesoft change is complete, it would then flow to Parentsquare's overnight process.
Please inform any staff who may be requesting the removal of their personal phone number listed in their Parentsquare account, as follow
Purpose: The personal phone number is listed in Parentsquare to allow for the District to disseminate notices to staff in the event of any emergency or critical events occurring in the school district
Visibility: The personal phone number is NOT visible to any Students, Parents, Teachers nor any District Staff.
It is visible only to selected district administrators of the system.
Changes: Please inform any staff who may be requesting a change of their personal phone number listed in their Parentsquare account;
School Staff need to contact their school principal to make any change to their account's listed phone number
District Staff need to contact their HR representative to make the change to the Peoplesoft record. Once Peoplesoft change is complete, it would then flow to Parentsquare's overnight process.